Benefits of a Towel Service for Your Restaurant

  • February 03, 2020
  • Uncategorized
  • Superior Linen Services
towel services

There are many reasons to use a towel service for your restaurant. Renting your towels from a professional towel service like Superior Linen ensures cost savings, quality, variety, and saved time.

The task of stocking your towels shouldn’t be left to just anybody. The company you trust with the important task of stocking your supplies of towels should be professional, experienced, and time-tested. Here’s what you can expect from a towel service:

A Restaurant Towel Service Saves on Costs

Whether you launder your own towels or outsource the washing of your own towels, a towel service can save you money. 

Towel Service Benefits Over In-House Laundering

When you add up all the expenses that go into an in-house or laundromat washing program, it doesn’t equal savings. An in-house laundromat requires space, utilities, machinery, repairs, detergents, softeners, starches, and labor. And, when something breaks at the wrong time, you have to scramble to find a solution. None of that is cost-effective or reliable. A towel service from Superior Linen is, though. 

Towel Service Benefits Over Outsourcing 

Even if you have someone laundering your towels for you, that’s only half the battle. A laundry service isn’t going to monitor your towels for blemishes, damage, or age. Because you own the towels, they’re yours to take care of! They’re just cleaning them. 

That means close monitoring and purchasing new ones when necessary. This is resource consuming and expensive! 

A Restaurant Towel Service Improves Quality

If you’re buying your own towels, you’re trying to find the best balance between cost and quality. Though expensive towels are more comfortable and do a better job, they’re harder on the budget than the economical option with no clear difference in effect. 

When you go with Superior Linen’s towel service, the burden of quality rests on us! If you’re not consistently satisfied with the quality of the towels, you’ll just go somewhere else. We won’t let that happen, which is why we invest in high-quality towels to supply to our customers. Consistent, high quality, towels delivered regularly and on time.  

A Restaurant Towel Service Increases Variety and Adaptability

When you go with Superior Linen’s towel service you’re going with one of the widest selections of towels available. That way, your needs, no matter how consistent or changing, are always met with the highest quality available. 

If you have a change in theme or color scheme, no problem! Just let us know, and your next order will have what you need. 

A Restaurant Towel Service Saves Time

Arguably the most important resource in running a restaurant is time. With everything that goes into it, even just a few hours saved off of your week would be significantly noticeable. If you don’t already have a stress-free towel service, then there’s a way you can do that right now. 

Contact Superior Linen Service for Premium Towel Services Today!

If you’re ready to declutter your linen storage and schedule, give Superior Linen a call at (918) 835-3777, visit our website, or drop us a line here! 


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